TX Module Emax Aeris Link Full sized TX 868/915MHz

Kod: 0107003007
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Marka: Emax
€60,49 €49,99 bez VAT
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TX Module Emax Aeris Link Full sized TX 868/915MHz

Emax Aeris TX is an 868/915GHz ELRS transmitter expansion module for large JR radio shafts. The module is compatible with radios with OpenTX or EdgeTX firmware. ELRS is currently one of the most advanced RC transmissions. It offers reliable long-range links, a high refresh rate, adjustable power, updates via wifi, and more.  

Emax Aeris has a 1.29" OLED display with a resolution of 64x128px. The ELRS module can be configured using a joystick, so there is no need to use LUA scripts. The Aeris TX also features an XT30 connector for powering an external 2-4S battery, extending the battery life in the radio. This is especially useful for long long-range flights and high transmit powers. Another advantage of the module is the USB-C connector, which is used for easy firmware updates or transferring telemetry to a PC in Airport mode.

Frequency band: 868/915MHz
Maximum power: 2000mW
XT30 input voltage: 5-21V (2-4S Lipo)
Antenna connector: RP-SMA
Display: 1.29" OLED 64x128px
Size: 72x63x35mm
Weight: 59g (without antenna)

Package Includes: 
1x JR transmitter module
1x T-shaped 915 MHz antenna

Parametry dodatkowe

Kategoria: TX modules
Protocol: ELRS 868/915MHz

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