Micro BEC module SpeedyBee 12V 1A

Kod: SB-12V-1A-BEC
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Marka: SpeedyBee
€6,04 €4,99 bez VAT
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SpeedyBee 12V 1A Micro BEC module with Physical Switch Support 3-6S LiPo

The SpeedyBee 12V 1A Micro BEC module ensures a stable and reliable 12V power supply to electronic components such as cameras. Its built-in physical switch simplifies operation, allowing to easily turn the BEC on or off, providing flexibility and power management in drone setups powered by 3-6S LiPo batteries.

Input voltage: 3-8S (12-36V)
BEC Output: 12V 1A
Dimensions: 16.9x11.95x1.15mm
Weight: 1.5g

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