Receiver Pilotix ELRS 868/915 with antenna

Kod: 5364
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Marka: Pilotix
€16,94 €14 bez VAT
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Receiver Pilotix ELRS 868/915 with antenna

The Pilotix ELRS 868/915MHz receiver is equipped with a T-shaped antenna (IPEX-1 connector) and ensures optimal signal reception for uninterrupted communication between the drone and the transmitter. The antenna can be trimmed specifically within the 300MHz to 1000MHZ frequency range, ensuring excellent signal quality and consistent performance, making it ideal for long-range communication.


Item: Pilotix ELRS 868/915MNano with T-antenna
Frequency band: 868/915MHZ
Input voltage: 4.5V-5.5V
Antenna connector: IPEX1
Type: ISM
Weight: 915/1.1g
External dimensions: 20.0x12mm
Firmware: Aocoda 900 RX
Receiver protocol: CRSF

Cut the antenna to the required frequency:

Package Includes:

1x Pilotix ELRS 868/915M Nano with T-antenna

Parametry dodatkowe

Kategoria: Drone Receivers
Protocol: ELRS868/915

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