Antenna Prodrone PRO Helical 12 Turn 5.8Ghz

Kod: 85_20200427134117
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Marka: Prodrone
€29,40 €24,30 bez VAT
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PRO Helical Antenna 12 Turn 5.8Ghz

The PRO 12T helical antenna offers a gain of approximately 14dBi, providing substantial amplification, making it an excellent choice for extended-range FPV applications. The Prodrone PRO 12 Turn Helical boasts a beam width of approximately 30 degrees at its highest gain, ensuring focused transmission. At closer distances, the beam width can extend to over 50-60 degrees, offering versatility in usage. The PRO Helical antenna comes with a semi-rigid cable that maintains its shape when bent, allowing for convenient use on goggles without the need for adapters.


Bandwidth: 5640-5945 MHz
Beam width:  30 degrees with highest gain, 50-60 at close range
Gain: 14 dBi
Reflector diameter: 45mm
Cable length: 6cm
Antenna conductor: 1,2mm pure enameled copper wire
Turns: 12
Polarisation: RHCP
vSWR: lower than 1.2
Maximum power input: 50W
Connector: SMA
Weight of antenna: 27g

Parametry dodatkowe

Kategoria: VTX Antennas
Connector Type: SMA
Frequency: 5.8GHz
Polarization: RHCP

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